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Course Instructor - Mr. Rajendra K

Hi, Welcome to the “5 Whys Techniques” course. Learn about how to identify the root cause. how to ask the right why question and the right approach as a team to use 5 Whys as an investigation tool.

I have gathered rich experience on various topics and one of them is the 5 Whys technique. The question is: “How to use 5 whys as an investigation tool?”. There are plenty of cases where many have done mistakes in asking the right why question which leads to a second why. One wrong why and the team is on a different path of the root cause. This may not solve the problem but may increase the risk of the workplace.

If you are the one who is looking to learn about "How to use the 5 Whys technique? in your organization or to train your team then this is the course for you. Let’s start learning.
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