Forum Policy
Please take a moment to read the following Discussion  Forum  Policy. This should be read in conjunction with our User Policy and Privacy Policy. Please note that words that are defined in our User Policy also apply to this Discussion  Forum  Policy. If there is anything you do not understand, then please Contact Us.

This Discussion  Forum  Policy sets out certain rules that will govern your use of the discussion  forums  (the \" Discussion  Forums \") available at ECLIDE, and also the separate  forum  at ECLIDE (this \"Website\") including some guidelines that we hope you will find helpful. CSF in the  forum  stands for CLIDE Safety  Forum . The Discussion  Forums  are available to all users of the Website to look at. Only registered users of this Website (\"  Forum  Users\") are able to post messages. These Discussion  Forums  are provided to give you the chance to discuss issues, including your equipment needs, with other users and ask for advice from our advice team. As in a real community,  Forum  Users are asked to respect other  Forum  Users and their rights. The Discussion  Forums  are divided into different areas, with each area dedicated to particular topics of discussion. Please ensure that any discussions you begin are started in the appropriate area so that other people know where to look for them.

1. Discussion  Forum  PolicyYour access and use of the Discussion 

Forums  are subject to your acceptance of, and compliance with the provisions of this Discussion  Forum  Policy and any other legal notices and/or instructions that may appear in the Discussion  Forums  (including in any messages or attachments posted on a Discussion  Forum ) from time to time.

IMPORTANT:  By accessing and using the Discussion  Forums  you will automatically be taken to have read, understood, and accepted this Discussion  Forum  Policy.  If you do not agree to be bound by this Discussion  Forum  Policy, please cease to access any Discussion  Forums .  If you fail to observe any of the provisions of this Discussion  Forum  Policy, we reserve the right, at our discretion and without notice, to remove or edit any messages you may have left on a Discussion  Forum  and/or to exclude you (either temporarily or permanently) from the Discussion  Forums  and/or terminate your access to all or any parts of this Website, depending on the nature and severity of your breach.
If you are notified that your posting privileges have been suspended or terminated, you will not attempt to re-register as a User of the Discussion  Forums  or make any Posts on it in any guise whatsoever. When former users whose posting privileges have been removed do re-register or otherwise disrupt the Discussion  Forums , this spoils the Discussion  Forums  and can cause severe distress or disturbance to other Users. Dealing with the unwanted Posts of former Users distracts us from the core purpose of the Website and ties up management and technician time. Therefore, in such circumstances, we reserve the right to:
  • Report offenders to their ISP.
  • Charge offenders for the administrative costs of identifying and removing their posts at the rate of  Rs.500 per hour necessarily spent plus any external costs that we incur.
  • Take legal action to recover these costs.
  • Report offenders to the authorities if their actions appear to amount to a breach of the internet misuse act or any other relevant criminal legislation.
This Discussion  Forum  Policy may be amended from time to time, and we, therefore, suggest that you review it periodically.

2. Posting a Message on a Discussion  Forum

When posting (\"Posting\") a message or a reply (including attachments) (\"Message\") on any Discussion  Forum , you will need to be logged in as a registered  Forum  User. The following information will appear in your Posts.
  • Username - This will be published alongside your Message. It will be the Username you created when you registered;
  • Location – Once again this will be published alongside your Message if you provided it when you registered. This will enable geographical queries to be responded to more effectively.  Please do not insert your home address; your town, city or county will suffice, and in any case, please note that you are not obliged to provide this information;
  • Topic Title – This is only required if you are starting a new topic thread; and
  • Text – This will, of course, be published.  You are responsible for ensuring the safety of your personal information and we, therefore, recommend that you do not include your full home address, job title, telephone number or other more sensitive personal information in any Messages unless you are entirely satisfied that such information should be made public.  In particular, please remember that your email address may contain personal information about you such as your name and where you work.

3. Rules for using the Discussion  Forums

  • General Behavior -  Forum  Users must not transmit to any Discussion  Forum  (\"Post\") any Message, or knowingly receive via a Discussion  Forum  (\"Access\") any Message that is unlawful, illegal, fraudulent, offensive, threatening, abusive, bullying, harassing, tortuous, indecent, obscene, defamatory, invasive of another\'s privacy, or discriminatory whether racially, ethnically, sexually, religiously or otherwise, or which may incite or instruct any person or organization to undertake such activities. The persistent posting of critical messages that focus on other  forum  members is an example of behavior that is harassing.

  • Use of Language –  Forum  Users must not Post or Access Messages containing language that is in any way unlawful, threatening or offensive.  This includes the use of swear words, bad language, and offensive nicknames. Care should be taken with the use of language with attention given to tact and diplomacy and being non-judgmental. Remember that members may have low confidence, or be quite emotional and take replies in ways other than intended, or out of context. However also remember that everyone has different writing styles and that you may be reading something out of context, or other than intended.
  • Breach of Confidence –  Forum  Users must not Post or Access Messages that might in any way breach the confidence or privacy of another individual.  For example, an email received from an individual cannot be placed on a Discussion  Forum  without first obtaining that individual’s consent.
  • Breach of Intellectual Property –  Forum  Users must not Post or Access Messages that might in any way infringe any patent, trademark (including Trade Marks), trade secret, copyright, database right, or in any other way violates the legal rights of any third party.
  • Impersonation –  Forum  Users must not impersonate any person or identity, falsely state or otherwise misrepresent their affiliation with a person or organization, or disguise the origin of any content of a Message.\r\nForum Users post as individuals, they can state their background and experience but unless authorized to do so should refrain from making repeated references to other services that they may work or volunteer for. Any views you express are your own. When views are expressed in a way that implies the support or endorsement of a third organization it can have damaging consequences for that organization including 
    • compromising core principles of independence, impartiality, and client confidentiality
    • relationships with other third parties can be harmed
    • potential members/volunteers may be put off contacting the organization

  • Viruses –  Forum  Users must not Post or Access Messages that might contain computer viruses or any other computer code, or programs designed to interrupt, destroy or limit the functionality of any computer software, hardware, or telecommunications equipment.
  • Illegal and Harmful Activities –  Forum  Users must not Post or Access Messages relating to (or including links to) pirated software (including computer games), counterfeit goods or any other material which is, or might reasonably be considered to be, illegal or otherwise harmful.
  • Pornography –  Forum  Users must not Post or Access Messages relating to (or including links to) any kind of pornography.
  • Personal Information –  Forum  Users must not Post any messages containing any information about another person from which that person can be identified. Please be aware that you do not have to name a person in order to identify them if sufficient other information is given.
  • Contact Details -  Forum  Users must not Post any Messages containing email addresses, home address, telephone number or other contact details, of themselves or any other person.\r\nSpam/advertising  -  Forum  Users must not Post any Messages advertising products or services for profit or gain (unless in the Supplier\'s Corner  forum  on CSF\'s main  forum  if permission granted in written by CSF).
  • Off-topic Messages -  Forum  Users must not Post Messages that are off-topic for the  forum  or thread if these will be disruptive to other users (Moderators will determine whether they feel Messages are off topic).
  • Sharing of accounts - No account should be used by more than one person.
  • Repeat Posts - a Post or very similar Posts should not be placed in several  forums .
  • Trolls -  Forum  Users must not Post-inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages with the primary intent of provoking other users into an emotional response or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion
  • Other -  Forum  Users must not act in any way that brings DLF into disrepute.
  • Moderator complaints: complaints and queries about Moderators should be sent directly using our contact mail mentioned below and not posted on the  forums . We will not discuss moderation on the  forum  as this would help trolls and spammers.
  • Advertising/Commercial use\r\nUser to user recommendations of products is acceptable and encouraged but any commercially-driven posts will be removed and your account banned or a warning issued. For example, inline text advertising is strictly forbidden.\r\nAny posts which do not adhere to the above will be removed and should the post be reposted the account may be subject to a warning or ban.\r\nIn order to post URLs on course  Forums  you must be an established member and with at least 10 posts as we don’t want to encourage people to post simply to advertise rather than participate properly in the  forum .
  • Surveys/research requests/TV programs All posts from students, professionals, or anyone else asking for users to take part in research, complete surveys or to take part in TV programs, must be placed under the \"Surveys/research requests/TV programs \"  forum  board. They must be genuine requests and be aimed at people with disabilities. This is because in the past when this was not filtered, we received complaints from our users about the volume of such requests that were posted as they disrupted the genuine discussions on the  forum . Any posts which do not adhere to the above will be removed and should the post be reposted the account may be subject to a warning or ban.
Reminder: If you fail to observe any of these rules, we reserve the right, at our discretion and without notice, to remove or edit any messages you may have left on a Discussion  Forum  and/or to exclude you (either temporarily or permanently) from the Discussion  Forums  and/or terminate your access to all or any parts of this Website, depending on the nature and severity of your breach.

4. Monitoring / Moderation

\r\nIn order to provide  Forum  Users with general support and advice in relation to their use of the Discussion  Forums  and for security and abuse-management reasons, CSF staff may act as Moderators. All CSF staff who act as Moderators have been DBS (was CRB) checked. Moderators will access the Discussion  Forums  from time to time in order to help ensure that other  Forum  Users are adhering to this Discussion  Forum  Policy. However, Moderators will not undertake to monitor every Message nor to monitor the conduct of every  Forum  User and each  Forum  User shall remain responsible for his or her behavior in the  Forum  We do not monitor all activity on the Discussion  Forums  and so we do rely on  Forum  Users to inform us if you observe any abuse or inappropriate behavior, in which case we will review specific Messages and assess if they breach the  Forum  or User Policies. When a message is reported as unsuitable it will not be removed automatically by the system. CSF\'s Moderators will determine what action is necessary - removal of the post or no further action. If you feel you have been threatened, damaged, or abused in our Discussion  Forums , if you believe any infringement of your rights may have occurred through the Website or if you would like to report abuse or inappropriate behavior then please do so by reporting posts using the \' Report Post\' button. You must be logged in to report Posts. CSF\'s moderators are members of its staff who work normal office hours (M-F, 9 a.m-5 p.m.) so reported Posts and those that have gone into automatic moderation will only be dealt with during these times. CSF\'s moderators will deal with reported posts as soon as they can. However, as they also have other duties and sometimes decisions about further action require discussion between moderators CSF cannot guarantee an immediate response. However, all reported Posts will be dealt with.\r\n\r\nDo not abuse the \" Report Post\" button. If you do not agree with a comment, please respond via the  forum . The \"Report Post\" function is there to ensure that  Forum  Users have the means to report inappropriate content. If we remove your Message after reviewing it, you can assume that we removed it deliberately and you should take our warning notification seriously. CSF reserves the right to:
  • access and monitor the use of Discussion  Forums  and any Messages Posted on them;
  • take whatever other steps we consider are necessary to protect our  Forum  Users; including editing or removing any Messages or suspending or discontinuing any Discussion  Forums ; and
  • revoke your status as a  Forum  User or otherwise limit your right of access to this Website at any time where, in our opinion, you have materially or persistently breached this Policy or the Terms and Conditions
  • restrict your ability to complain or in some cases revoke your status as a  Forum  User if the complaint facility is used excessively or maliciously

5. Liability and Disclaimers

Please read carefully the paragraphs entitled “Disclaimers”, “Our liability” and “Your liability” in the User Policy, as they also apply to this  Forum  Policy. Please note that:
  • The Discussion  Forums  consist largely of Messages Posted by  Forum  Users that are not employed or contracted by us, and we do not monitor every Message nor the conduct of every  Forum  User. Therefore, we can accept no liability in respect of the content of any Messages, including the accuracy or truthfulness of any such Messages or any responsibility for the consequences of your acting in reliance on such Messages. We do not endorse any opinions expressed by any  Forum  Users in any Messages;
  • While we will take steps to edit or remove any messages which are in breach of this Discussion  Forum  Policy and which come to our notice, we cannot guarantee the prompt editing or removal of any Messages;
  • We reserve the right at our sole discretion to remove or edit Messages from the Discussion  Forums  or to suspend or discontinue or takedown from the Website any or all Discussion  Forums  at any time for any reason; and
  • We reserve the right, at our sole discretion, to deny any  Forum  User access to the Discussion  Forums , without notice, for any breach of this Discussion  Forum  Policy and/or to terminate your access to all or any parts of this Website.
  • Our staff and volunteers: Please note that acts of discrimination, harassment, bullying, and victimization against our staff or volunteers (including moderators) will not be tolerated. This includes, but is not limited to, physical or verbal abuse or contacting our staff or volunteers outside working hours on personal numbers without specific permission.

6. Modifications to this Discussion  Forum  Policy

\r\nThis Discussion  Forum  Policy (including the Privacy Policy and User Policy) may be amended from time to time, and we, therefore, suggest that you review it periodically.

7. Contacting Us

You can contact us by sending an e-mail message to:  Or by writing to us at: - CLIDE Group, 41-A, Survey Nagar, Jaitala Road, Nagpur - 440022. If you have a complaint, please email us using our  feedback form .

CSF “DOs” and “DON’Ts.”

Dos. You agree that you will:
  • Comply with all applicable laws, including, without limitation, privacy laws, intellectual property laws, anti-spam laws, and regulatory requirements;
  • Provide accurate information to us and keep it updated;
  • Use your real name on your profile;
  • Use the Services in a professional manner.
Don\'ts. You agree that you will not:
  • Create a Member profile for anyone other than yourself (a real person);
  • Create a false identity on CLIDE;
  • Collect, use, copy, or transfer any information obtained from CLIDE without the consent of CLIDE;
  • Share or disclose information of others without their express consent;
  • Override any security feature of the Services;
  • Copy or use the information, content, or data on CLIDE in connection with a competitive service (as determined by CLIDE);
  • Post anything that contains software viruses, worms, or any other harmful code;
  • Post any unsolicited or unauthorized advertising, “junk mail,” “spam,” “chain letters,” “pyramid schemes,” or any other form of solicitation unauthorized by CLIDE;
  • Disclose information that you do not have the right to disclose (such as confidential information of others (including your employer));
  • Send spam or other unwelcomed communications to others;
  • Act in an unlawful, libelous, abusive, obscene, discriminatory, or otherwise objectionable manner;
We also recommend you to please read the User Policy,  Forum  Policy, and Private Policy, as you agree to use them since you start posting your first post or reply.