Safety Event Planning

Safety Event Planning

Learn about how to plan an engaging safety event. Obtain valuable insights about what should consider while developing safety event activities to create safety awareness in the organization. A completely practical approach with real-time case studies to learn from.

Created by - Rajendra K I Language - English I Self Place + Instructor Online Session

₹ 3,500.00
3500.0 INR ₹ 3,500.00
₹ 3,500.00
Last Update 07/28/2021
Completion Time 4 hours 2 minutes
Members 2

Rajendra K in

Hi, Welcome to the “Safety Event” course. The course will help you plan the safety week to achieve more employee engagement. The topics I will be taking you through are how to identify the safety week objectives? how to plan the safety week event? sample activities and much more. 

Enroll yourself in the "safety Event" course where I will be helping you to learn about important concepts of how to plan safety week activities, brand the safety week, how to communicate, and most importantly how to engage your workforce to make safety week a great success.
If you are the one who is looking to learn how to improve employee engagement in safety week activities in your organization or to train your team then this is the course for you. Let’s start learning.

Skill Level- Intermediate

Duration - 5 hrs 37mins

Course Offerings

I - Lessons

28 Lessons

I - Webinar


Case Study

02 CS


02 Exercise


Discussion + Q&A


03+ Articles


Course Badge


Course Certificate

Skills you will gain

Safety week planning , Developing KPI'sEvent PlanningPlan ImplementationParticipation Strategy 

Develop Goals & objectiveKPI EvaluationDeveloping engaging activities