Contractor S-Management

Contractor S-Management

Acquire hands-on experience for managing the risk on construction projects and start applying. Develop contractor safety rating system to measure their KPIs to improve site performance. Master the skill of contractor safety management with this highly practical online course.

Created by - Dr. Amit Patil I Language - English I Self Place + Instructor Online Session I Level - Advance

₹ 699.00
699.0 INR ₹ 699.00
₹ 699.00
Last Update 07/27/2021
Completion Time 3 hours 57 minutes
Members 1
  • Course Overview
  • Lesson 1 - CSM Overview
    • 1.0 Welcome Message
    • 1.1 Case Study
    • 1.2 Contractor Safety Means
      20 xp
    • 1.3 Safety Performance
  • Lesson 2 - Understanding Key Concept
    • 2.1 Who is a Contractor?
      10 xp
    • 2.2 Who is sub-contractor?
  • Lesson 3 - Correlation of CSM and SP
    • 3.1 CSM & Safety Performance
      10 xp
    • 3.2 CSM & Safety Performance
      10 xp
  • Lesson 4 - CSM Problem
    • 4.1 Pre-qualification CSM Problem
    • 4.2 Pre-qualification CSM Problem
      10 xp
    • 4.3 Pre-qualification CSM Problem
      10 xp
    • 4.4 Pre-qualification CSM Problem
      20 xp
  • Lesson 5 - CSM Practices
    • 5.1 CSM Practices
    • 5.2 CSM Best Practices
      10 xp
  • Lesson 6 - CSM Process
    • 6.1 Step 1 - Pre Qualification
      20 xp
    • 6.2 Pre Qualification - 2
      20 xp
    • 6.3 Pre Qualification - 3
    • 6.4 Step 2 - Pre Job Risk Assessment
      30 xp
    • 6.5 Pre Job Risk Assessment -2
    • 6.6 Step 3- Training & Orientation
      20 xp
    • 6.7 Step 4 Monitoring
      20 xp
  • Lesson 7 - Common Challenges
    • 7.1 Common Challenges1
      20 xp
    • 7.2 Common Challenges2
      10 xp
  • Lesson 8 - CSM Process
    • 8.1 Step 5 - Post Job Evaluation1
      20 xp
    • 8.2 Step 5 - Post Job Evaluation2
      20 xp
  • Course Summary
    • Course Summary
  • Survey
  • Course Certificate
    • Assessment Instruction
    • CSM Assessment

Dr. Amit Patil

Hi, Welcome to the “Contractor Safety Management” course. Learn about how to assess contractor pre-qualification, how to develop post-evaluation criteria. Learn more about various risk-based methods to judge contractors before hiring them.  
I have gathered rich experience on various topics and one of them is
contractor safety management. The question is: “What is the correlation between CSM and safety performance?”. There are plenty of cases where many have done mistakes in developing a robust contractor safety management process and landed in the wrong place in the maturity model. To avoid common mistakes, one needs to first understand what is CSM, and what are the common challenges that need to be addressed?.
If you are the one who is looking to learn about "How to deploy contractor safety management? in your organization join the course and let’s start learning.

Skill Level - Advanced

Duration - 3 hrs 21 min

Course Offerings

I - Lessons

25 Lessons

I - Webinar


Case Study

05 Exercise


05 Exercises


Discussion + Q&A


10+ Article


Course Badge


Course Certificate

Skills you will gain

Evaluating PerformanceScoring & RatingCSM ImplementationProcess DevelopmentMonitoringDeveloping CriteriaRisk Profiling