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Instructor Message

Dear Learner,

Welcome to Job Safety Analysis online course at E-CLIDE !!

My name is Sourabh and I’ll be your instructor for this course that runs for 3 weeks and its self-paced learning course means you can complete the course anytime as time permits you. This is the homepage for our course and I will keep posting messages related to the course which will help you focus on the important tasks of the course. 

Few suggestions for you:

  1. Access this course located on the course page if you are new to the Learning Hub.
  2. Look through the course to familiarize yourself with the technology and the content of the course.
  3. Read the course outline and contact me if you have any questions or concerns.
  4. Watch the course in the sequence it is offered as all the lessons are inter-connected and for better learning.
  5. Watch all the course videos carefully, as they will help you pass the assessment after each lesson.
  6. You can start and pause the course whenever you want and finish it in 3 weeks' time.

Review the tabs on the left side of the page in the Navigation bar to move inside the course.

  1. I-Video – Contains instructor video for topics offers in the course.
  2. I-Webinar - Online instructor session offered in the course.
  3. Project – Course assignments you need to solve to get practical exposure.
  4. Articles – You can read the published articles related to the course.
  5. Forum - You can discuss and ask questions related to the topic in case if you have doubts.
  6. Quiz – Final Assessment for the course based on which certificate will be issued.
  7. Badges – Keep earning badges as you complete the lessons in the course.
  8. Feedback – Share your experience with the course.
  9. Certificate - On successful completion of the course certificate will be emailed on your registered mail ID.

Shortform used in the course 

  • CS - Case Study

  • KA - Knowledge Assessment

Notes: Chrome and Safari are the preferred Internet Browsers

The best way to reach me in case of doubt in the course forum and I will post my reply. Will request, before posting the question check if it is already answered by me this will save you time.

I look forward to joining you during your learning journey.

Happy Learning !!
Sourabh (Instructor)

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