Job Safety Analysis

Job Safety Analysis

Acquire hands-on experience for successful implementation of JSA in this course and start applying. Obtain valuable JSA Skills and JSA Certification with this highly practical advice and training. Get real hands-on experience on how to identify the hazards and potential consequences when you prepare next JSA.

Created by - Sourabh Jambhulkar I Language - English I Self Place + Instructor Online Session I Level - Advance

₹ 699.00
699.0 INR ₹ 699.00
₹ 699.00
Last Update 06/17/2021
Completion Time 10 hours 52 minutes
Members 1

Sourabh Jambhulkar In


Hi, Welcome to the “Job Safety Analysis” course. Here you will be learning about JSA overview, how to prepare a JSA, decision-making criteria for when to use JSA, and finally how to review the JSA. 

This course offers interactive simulation games, case studies on JSA, and instructor lecture series, which will help you to carry out JSA for any job at your workplace. 
If you are the one who is looking to learn the techniques on how to carry out JSA, then this is the course for you. Let’s start learning.

Skill Level - Advanced

Duration - 6hrs 50 min

Course Offerings

I - Lesson

47 instructor videos 

I - Webinar


Case Studies

10 Case Studies


2 Live Projects


Discussion + Q&A


10+ Articles


 Course Badges


Course Certificate

Skills you will gain

Preparing JSAIdentifying HazardsDeveloping HOCIdentifying taskDecision MakingForming Team,

JSA Reviewing