Crane Overloading Hazard

Crane Overloading Hazard

Learn about overloading hazards and how to do a risk assessment with hands-on real case experience in this course. Obtain valuable risk assessment skills and get Certification with this highly practical advice and training.

Created by - Sourabh Jambhulkar I Language - English I Self Place + Instructor Online Session I Level - Intermediate

₹ 660.00
660.0 INR ₹ 660.00
₹ 660.00
Last Update 07/26/2021
Completion Time 6 hours 28 minutes
Members 1
  • Course Overview
  • Course Overview
  • Lesson 1- Basics of Overloading
    • 1.1 Course Introduction
    • 1.2 Crane Overloading Lessons
    • 1.3 Basic of Overloading
      50 xp
  • Lesson 2 - Risk Assessment
    • 2.1 Risk Assessment
      50 xp
    • Exercise Instruction
    • 2.2 Assess the Risk CS
  • Lesson 3 - Risk Evaluation
  • Lesson 4 - Risk Based Control Measure
    • 4.1 Engineering Control Measure
      40 xp
    • Exercise Instruction
    • 4.2 Engineering Control CS
    • 4.3 Administrative Control Measures
      40 xp
    • Exercise Instruction
    • 4.4 Administrative CM CS
  • Lesson 5 - Swiss cheese Model
    • 5.1 Swiss Cheese Model
      40 xp
    • Exercise Instruction
    • 5.2 Swiss cheese CS
  • Lesson 6 - Deming PDCA Model
    • 6.1 Deming's PDCA Cycle
      40 xp
    • 6.2 PDCA Cycle Part 1
    • 6.3 PDCA Cycle Part 2
    • Exercise Instruction
    • 6.4 PDCA CS
  • Lesson 7 - Emergency Planning
    • 7.1 Emergency Response Plan
      70 xp
  • Lesson 8 - Human Error & Violation
    • 8.1 Human Errors & Violations Video
      60 xp
  • Lesson 9 - Safe Steps for Lift
    • 9.1 Steps For Safe Lift
    • Exercise Instruction
    • 9.2 Steps Overview
    • 9.3 Safe Lift Step 1
    • 9.4 Safe Lift Step 2
    • 9.5 Safe Lift Step 3
    • 9.6 Safe Lift Step 4
    • 9.7 Safe Lift Step 5
    • 9.8 Safe Lift Step 6
    • 9.9 - Safe Lift Step 7
    • 9.10 Safe Lift Step 8
    • 9.11 Safe Lift Step 9
    • 9.12 Safe Lift Step 10
    • 9.13 Safe Lift Step 11
    • 9.14 Safe Lift Step 12
  • Lesson 10 - Case Study
    • 10.1 Overloading Hazards Incident
    • 10.2 Case Study
    • Practical Worksheet
    • 10.3 Overloading Case Study
    • 10.4 Overloading Case Study
    • 10.5 Overloading Hazards
      50 xp
    • 10.6 Life Saving Rule
  • Course Summary
    • Course Summary
  • Checklist
  • Course Certificate
    • Assessment Instruction
    • Crane Hazard Assessment

Sourabh Jambhulkar

Hi, Welcome to the “Crane Overloading” course. Here you will be learning about Overloading hazards, risk assessment, HOC measure, and steps for a safe lift.
This course offers interactive simulation games, case studies on overloading hazards, and instructor lecture series, which will help you
understand the incident reasons for any lifting job at your workplace. 
If you are the one who is looking for learning the techniques to carry out safe lifting then this is the course for you. Let’s start learning.

Skill Level - Intermediate

Duration - 5 hrs 28 min

Course Offerings

I - Lesson

31 Instructor Videos

I - Webinar


Case Studies

03 Case Studies


02 Live Projects


Discussion + Q&A


10+ Articles


Course Badge


Course Certificate

Skill you will gain

Assessing RiskEvaluating RiskDeveloping HOCIdentifying HazardsDeveloping Control MeasureDeveloping Lifting PlanDeveloping Emergency PlanIdentifying Errors & ViolationIdentifying UAUCApplying Swiss cheeseApplying PDCA