Internal Safety Audit

Internal Safety Audit

The masterclass will provide you with in-depth insight, enabling you to learn about the internal safety audit process, team composition, finding observation, and report writing. Also learn about how to implement, maintain and improve the more challenging aspects of the safety management system.

Created by - Manoj Pawar I Language - English I Online - Self Place + Instructor Online Session

₹ 750.00
750.0 INR ₹ 750.00
₹ 750.00
Last Update 06/08/2021
Completion Time 2 minutes
Members 1
  • Course Overview
  • Audit Overview
    • 1.0 Welcome Message
    • 1.1 What is Safety Audit?
    • IL2 - Safety Audit Example
    • IL3 - Importance of Safety Audit
  • Audit Application
    • IL4 - Application of safety audit
    • IL5 - Application of safety audit
  • Audit Type
    • IL6 - Types of Safety Audit
    • IL7 - Compliance Audit
    • IL8 - Compliance Audit
    • IL9 - Program Audit
    • IL10 - Program Audit
    • IL11 - Management System Audit
  • Audit Procedure
    • IL12 - Safety Audit Procedure
    • IL13 - Safety Audit Procedure
  • Audit Objective
    • IL14 - Objective of Safety Audit
    • IL15 - Objective of Safety Audit
  • Audit Scope
    • IL16 - Audit Scope
    • IL17 - Audit Scope
    • IL18 - What is scope of Audit?
    • IL19 - Example - Audit Scope
  • Audit Team
    • IL20 - Safety Audit Team
    • IL21 - Safety Audit Team
  • Audit Steps
    • IL22 - 5 Elements of Audit Planning
    • IL23 - Safety Audit Plan
    • IL24 - Steps for conducting Safety Audit
    • IL25 - Opening Meeting
    • IL26 - Opening Meeting
    • IL27 - Opening Meeting
    • IL28 - Safety Audit Approach
  • Step 1 - Preparing for Audit
    • IL29 - Phase 1 - Audit Preparation
  • Step 2 - Fact Finding
    • IL30 - Phase 2 - Fact Finding
    • IL31 - Phase 2 - Fact Finding
    • IL32 - Phase 2 - Fact Finding
    • IL33 - Employee Knowledge
    • IL34 - Written & Record Review
    • IL35 - Program Administration
    • IL36 - Equipment & Material
    • IL37 - Area Walk Through
  • Step 3 - Review the Findings
    • IL38 - Phase Three - Review of Findings
  • Step 4 - Audit Recommendation
    • IL39 - Phase 4 - Audit Recommendations
  • Step 5 - Corrective Action
    • IL40 - Phase 5 - Corrective Actions
  • Step 6 - Publish the Result
    • IL41 - Phase 6 - Publish the Safety Audit results
  • Closing Meeting
    • IL42 - Safety Audit Closing Meeting
    • IL43 - Safety Audit Closing Meeting
    • IL44 - Safety Audit Closing Meeting
  • Audit Report
    • IL45 - Safety Audit Report
  • Audit Frequency
    • IL46 - Safety Audit Frequency
    • IL47 - Safety Audit Frequency
    • IL48 - Safety Audit Frequency
  • Course Certificate
    • Assessment Instruction

Mr. Manoj Pawar

Hi, Welcome to the “Internal Safety Audit” course. The course will help you upgrade your skill on a very important topic which is used on a daily basis to improve the safety management system in the organization. Enroll yourself in the "internal safety audit" course where I will be helping you to learn about important concepts of how to carry out effective audits by understanding audit types, team composition, fact findings, audit process, and effective report writing with highly practical advice and training

If you are the one who is looking to learn and upskill your competency related to safety audits in your organization or to train your team then this is the course for you. Let’s start learning.

Skill Level-Intermediate

Duration - 7hrs 38 min

Course Offerings

I - Lessons

48 Lessons

I - Webinar


Case Study

05 Exercise


05 Exercise


Discussion + Q&A


10+ Articles


Course Badge


Course Certificate

Skills you will gain

AuditingReport writingConducting MeetingGiving NCFact FindingVisual InspectingDocument ReviewingDefining ScopePreparing AuditTeam WorkDeveloping Audit Plan