Implementation of BBS

Implementation of BBS

Master Class on how to implement BBS at the workplace to reduce the incident trend, with this highly practical advice and training. Get real-time hands-on experience with case studies explaining challenges and barriers to implementing BBS.

Created by - PM Bendre I Language - English I Self Place + Instructor Online Session

₹ 850.00
850.0 INR ₹ 850.00
₹ 850.00
Last Update 07/31/2021
Completion Time 5 hours 33 minutes
Members 1
  • Course Overview
  • Lesson 1 - BBS History & Overview
    • 1.1 Welcome Message
    • 1.2 BBS History
    • 1.3 What is BBS?
      30 xp
  • Lesson 2 - BBS Implementation Principle
    • 2.1 BBS Principle Part1
    • 2.2 BBS Principle Part2
    • Knowledge Assessment
      50 xp
  • Lesson 3 - BBS Implementation Challenges
    • 3.1 BBS Challenges Part 1
      20 xp
    • 3.2 BBS Challenges Part 1
      30 xp
  • Lesson 4 - BBS Implementation Plan
    • 4.1 BBS Implementation
  • Step 1 - Maturity Level
    • S1.1 Org. Maturity Level
    • S1.2 Effective Leadership
      40 xp
    • S1.3 Safety System & process
      20 xp
    • S1.4 Safety Involvement Team
      40 xp
    • S1.5 Organisation Style
      20 xp
    • S1.6 Measurement & Accountability
      20 xp
  • Step 2 - Steering Team
    • S2.1 Steering Team
      40 xp
  • Step 3 - Identify Critical Behaviour
    • S3.1 Identify Critical Behaviour 1
      30 xp
    • S3.2 Identify Critical Behaviour 2
      30 xp
  • Step 4 - BBS Checklist
    • S4.1 Checklist Importance
    • S4.2 How to prepare Checklist?
      10 xp
    • S4.3 Reactive & PPE
      30 xp
    • S4.4 Specific Job Risk
      10 xp
    • S4.5 Tools & Equipment
      30 xp
    • S4.6 Safe Work Procedure
      20 xp
    • S4.7 Ergonomics
      20 xp
    • S4.8 Physical Hazard
      30 xp
  • Step 5 - BBS OIAC Process
    • S5.1 OIAC process
  • Step A - Observation
    • A.1 Why Observation?
      40 xp
  • Step B - Intervene
    • B.1 What is Intervene?
  • Step C - Analyse
    • C.1 Analyse Part1
      10 xp
    • C.2 Analyse Part2
      20 xp
    • C.3 Analyse Part3
    • C.4 Analyse Part4
    • C.5 Analyse Part5
  • Step D - Correct
    • D.1 Correct Part1
    • D.2 Correct Part 2
  • Step E - Developing Behaviour Modification Strategy
    • E.1 ABC Strategy
      20 xp
    • E.2 Antecedents
      30 xp
    • E.3 Behaviour
      20 xp
    • E.4 Consequences
    • E.5 Consequences Ex.
      10 xp
    • E.6 Reinforcement - Case 2 R-
    • E.7 Reinforcement - Case 2 R+
      20 xp
    • E.8 Reinforcement Summary
    • E.9 ABC Strategy 1
    • E.10 ABC Weight Model
  • Policy
    • BBS Company Policy
  • Survey
    • BBS Assessment
  • Course Certificate
    • Assessment Instruction
    • BBS Implementation Assessment

Mr. PM Bendre


Hi, Welcome to the “Behaviour Based Safety Implementation” course. Here you will be learning about the BBS implementation process, how to form the steering committee, how to choose the activities for observation, how to prepare the checklist, and how to do data analysis?

Learn to developed a risk reduction strategy for at-risk behavior by using the ABC model. Apart from this, I will also talk about how to other steps which are important to make BBS successful in the workplace.   
This course offers interactive simulation games, case studies on BBS, and instructor lecture series, which will help you to implement BBS at your workplace. 
If you are the one who is looking for learning the techniques to implement BBS then this is the course for you. Let’s start learning.

Skill Level - Advance

Duration - 5 hrs 31 min

Course Offerings

I - Lesson

31 Lesson

I - Webinar


Practical Cases

05 Exercise


03 Hands-on Exercise


Discussion + Q&A


10 +Articles


Course Badge


Course Certificat

Skills you will gain

BBS ImplementationPreparing ChecklistAnalysingStrategy DevelopmentAssessingIdentifying At-risk BehaviourDeveloping PlanMonitoring